Author Cynthia Neher Martindale
Cynthia Neher Martindale, author of ‘Graceful Last Chapters: Helping Seniors Who Need More Care’, is a veteran of all things senior-related. In her book she shares 20 years of experience with senior care. She has been the primary caregiver for her parents, and has worked as a sales and marketing director for senior living communities. ‘Graceful Last Chapters’ is filled with support and guidance for caregivers, clearly defined options for care, and the ways and means for readers to craft their own successful journey through caregiving challenges and heartbreak. She offers readers fundamental knowledge, hope, a sense of identity and, ultimately, a path toward peace of mind.
Martindale combines her education, business expertise, and personal experiences to bring readers a valuable resource about caring for aging loved ones. [Her academic accomplishments include degrees from Hillsdale College (B.A. in English), Northern Illinois University (M.A. in English), and Valparaiso University School of Law (J.D.).] ‘Graceful Last Chapters: Helping Seniors Who Need More Care’ is the result of her years as both a sales and marketing director for senior living communities and as the primary caregiver for her parents.
The book’s twenty-seven chapters are grouped into seven sections: (One) Considering Long-Term Care Options; (Two) Caregiving Challenges; (Three) Creating a Plan; (Four) Aging in Place With Additional Care; (Five) Senior Living Communities; (Six) Touring Senior Communities; and (Seven) After the Bloom Fades. The chapters build gradually to mimic the progression of the journey caregivers take with their senior loved one, whether that individual is their mother, father, aunt, uncle, sibling, spouse, friend, or neighbor.
The full news story can be viewed here. More information is available at her website at http://www.bookforcaregivers.com.